• Electronic Filing – Electronically file return to IRS with your refund sent to you via check in an estimated 21 to 28 days or directly deposited to your bank account by the IRS in an estimated 8 to 15 days.
  • Electronic Refund Check or Deposit (ERC or ERD) – Typically in 8 to 15 days of electronic filing of tax return. *Note: A Tax Refund Administration Fee will apply.
  • Refund Anticipation Loan (RAL) – Receive your refund in 24 hours. Client must qualify.

**Note: A Refund Anticipation Loan (RAL) may be applied for in addition to an ERC or ERD, and if approved a Finance Charge and Credit Investigation Fee will apply.

ERCs, ERDs and RALs are products provided by Republic Bank & Trust Company. Consult with your Mansity Services LLC tax preparer about tax return filing options.